Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately not at this time. Currently all services are virtual.
To participate in Telehealth appointments from your home, you need one of the following devices:
1. Desktop computer with a webcam and speakers
2. Laptop computer with built-in webcam and speakers
3. Tablet device with built-in webcam and speakers
4. Smartphone (Note: To use a smartphone, you must first download Telehealth by SimplePractice—available for iOS or Android in the app store)
You will also need an internet connection that is at least 0.35 mbps. For optimal results, a reliable, high-speed internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 10–15 mbps will minimize connection issues and provide the best quality. For more information click here.
Not necessarily! Many people seek services for any and all sorts of reasons!
No worries, head over to the Get Started tab and under the I’m an Existing Client, there’s a link to a Client Portal User Manual or click here. If you’re still having issues, feel free to contact me.
Yes, but there are a few exceptions, such as:
Counselors may reveal information when a client is at risk for serious harm such as has divulged that they are contemplating suicide or harming another person.
Counselors are required to report the abuse or neglect of children, the elderly or people with disabilities, or ongoing domestic violence.
Counselors may divulge information if they receive a court order to do so. This may happen if a person’s mental health came into question in a court proceeding.
If you are using your health insurance to pay for services, the insurance company may require copies of records.
Secure messaging is available via the Client Portal, or you may call, text, or shoot me an email.
There’s actually several reasons for this. Firstly, the fee helps keep the client accountable for their own treatment. Akin to attending sessions and doing tasks outside of sessions.
Next, there's time. This helps prevent me from sitting by idling wondering if the client will or won't show for their session when that time slot could have gone to another client in need of services.
Finally, being a small business owner, I have to ensure that there are certain boundaries built into my business model so that services can continue being provided and lights stay on.
Typically no. If you have questions about coverage please contact your insurer.
Great observation! From Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2019 I had a private practice in Olathe, KS. Formerly Rebecca Teaford-Boldridge, LLC of