Clinical Supervision
Are you a licensee looking for a clinical supervisor who keeps it real? How about a supervisor who’s there to support you on your journey of gaining confidence and competence as a clinician? Or maybe you're interested in having a custom tailored approach to help you achieve your goals?
Lending my experience & expertise in the realms of trauma, addiction, & mental health, I’d be a great fit!
Supervision available for: Kansas LPCs & Washington LMHCAs.
Getting Started
Use the Inquiry Form to share about who you are, what you're looking for, and other important about info.
Discussing your goals, strengths & opportunities for improvement, both of our duties/responsibilities, and overall seeing if we’re a good fit for each other.
We’ll collaborate to create a contract, notifying your licensing board, and you begin accruing hours.
Most state requirements will mandate one supervision session per week with a minimum 24 month commitment.
Individual, $100, approx. 60 mins.
2+, $100, approx. 60-90 mins.
Supervision will be offered virtually only.